Denormalize Your Life

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How Did I Denormalize My Life?

My great awakening to “healthcare” in 2020 started with my food journey. Once you start questioning your food, you will typically start questioning everything in your life. At least that’s what happened with me.

In summer 2021 I was starting to detox from my everyday normal life. I already questioned meat and eggs from stores. I already questioned the aluminum in deodorant and made the switch to aluminum-free. I was questioning everything little by little.

In July 2021 I flew down to Miami to meet with a homeopathic practitioner. She was another person who promised me that she could help me get pregnant. As many of you know, I’ll do anything if it means I’ll have a chance at getting pregnant and staying pregnant.

I left that meeting with her terrified.

Everything is out there to kill us. Everything is toxic.

She gave me a list of what I needed to change. I immediately brought out my credit card and bought everything she mentioned.

-We need to get rid of any unwanted pollutants in our homes such as pollen, mold, and pet dander. So, I bought two Air Doctors to clean up the air we breathe at home. One for my main living space and one for my master bedroom. I have five cats and severe allergies. My husband and I both noticed a huge difference in our allergy sensitivity!

-Plastic is known to have endocrine disrupters in it. So, to eliminate plastics, I immediately swapped out all of my plastic food storage containers for glass containers.

-Wearing aluminum/metal wire that can prevent lymph flow, which traps toxins in the body and can make you more susceptible to breast cancer. To address this aluminum/metal exposure, I tossed out all of my underwire bras and bought wireless bras.

-Aluminum is one of the number one ingredients in antiperspirants. Why would we apply heavy metals to our armpits which then leak into our lymph nodes which can then cause breast cancer? I bought an all-natural aluminum-free deodorant.

Tip: you should do an armpit detox with bentonite clay

-Apple watches emit EMFs. I stopped wearing my watch.

-Our phones, iPads, and laptops emit dangerous levels of EMFs. So, I bought an EMF frequency reader and then bought/installed EMF-blocking stickers on my devices.

-We shouldn’t be wearing metal 24/7. So, I took out all of my beloved piercings.

-“Common chemical contaminants that could make their way into tap water include pesticides, industrial runoff, and toxic metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic.” So, our tap water is very dangerous at home and shouldn’t be drunk. To address this, I bought a large Berkey for the house for our drinking water, coffee, and cooking water. 3 years later I did swap my Berkey filters for Pro One filters after some questions started arising about how much Berkey filters actually filter.

-Every commercial product that we put on our skin has some sort of chemical in it. Lotions, makeups, perfumes, shampoos, and conditioners.

Our skin is our biggest organ. Why should we apply toxic chemicals to it?

So, I threw out everything but my shampoo and conditioner. I started making my tallow lotion. No more perfume for me! I add essential oils to my lotion which helps with my scent.

-Most clothing has high levels of lead in it I swapped out my underwear and bras. I also started buying some pants and dress from which is organic 100% cotton.

-Nonstick pans are made of Teflon. The main ingredient in Teflon, PFOA, is a likely human carcinogen. So, our nonstick cooking pans were swapped for cast iron or stainless steel.

-Receipts at the grocery store and other stores have hormone-disrupting bisphenols which can be absorbed through our skin. So, no more touching receipts.

-Cleaning supplies can contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which some are suspected or proven carcinogens. So, I started making my own everyday cleaner with Young Living’s Thieves. I also started making my own bathroom cleaner with vinegar.

-Most commercially produced scented candles contain endocrine disrupters. So, I switched to beeswax candles with essential oils. A brand I’ve really enjoyed is Fontana Candle Co. I’m still planning on making my own when life calms down.

-Laundry detergent and dish soap use formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. There are also many other contaminants in store-bought laundry detergent. Again, since our skin is our biggest organ, why would we wash our clothing in chemicals and then wear those chemicals around all day? To address this, I switched to Castile soap.

-Most mainstream commercial toothpaste contains fluoride which is a neurotoxin. So, I switched to fluoride-free toothpaste.

-Shaving products are known to have parabens which are linked to breast cancer. So, I bought all-natural shaving foam. I’ve been using Rowe Casa Organics shaving foam for the past two years and have been very happy with it!

-High levels of benzene, a known human carcinogen, have been found in sunscreen and after-sun care products. So, I switched to a mineral sunscreen spray.

-Nail polish has phthalates and formaldehyde in them. These endocrine disrupters get absorbed into your skin. You can find nontoxic nail polish at health food stores. This blog gives great info on what nail polish to use.

As you can see, the Denormalized Product List is quite extensive! I was so overwhelmed! I made ALL of those changes within a single month. It was very expensive to make these swaps, but, by taking advantage of major holiday sales, you can Denormalize Your Life and save some money!

If, after reading all this your burning question is: Were all of these changes worth the stress and financial burden all at once?

Stay tuned to find out!