Health, Covid and the Hospital
How It Started
2020 was, to put it lightly, a very difficult year.
On February 2nd, 2020 I found out that our last IVF transfer of two embryos had failed. Thousands of dollars down the drain.
Multiple trips to the fertility clinic in New York were wasted. Dozens of shots that affected my hormones and organs were a waste.
What was I to do next?
How can I improve my body for the next time?
Will there even be a next time?
A week later I became very strict with what I put in my mouth. I had been dabbling with the keto diet for 3 years at this point. That wasn’t working as I allowed myself too many keto treats.
February 9th I started eating meat only for breakfast and lunch. For dinner, I incorporated a vegetable with my meat.
No processed foods.
No going out to eat.
I started dropping a lot of weight very quickly!
Things were looking up…until…
Covid Begins
By February 2020, I had been an echo tech for almost ten years. During that time, when working in hospitals, I’d walk into patient’s rooms every day who are on precautions for various reasons.
In healthcare lingo, precautions means that the patient had some type of communicable disease. They’d have a sign on the patient’s door that told any healthcare provider who would enter to provide patient care whether to don a contact gown in case of a contact disease type (MRSA and C-DIFF as the most frequent examples), or to put on an N95 mask for airborne contagions (Tuberculosis as an example). To address these precautions, I would put the proper PPE (mask on, gown up, glove up, etc.) and go into the space to do my job.
At the outset, Covid was very worrisome, but exciting! We kept hearing about this virus on the news and how contagious and terrifying it was.
On March 16th, 2020 I scanned my first Covid positive patient. In fact, this was the first Covid case in all of Northern Virginia! How exciting!
I noticed immediately that he was morbidly obese, had type 2 diabetes, and had pulmonary complications. He was on a ventilator in the ICU. During this initial phase of the Covid pandemic, ventilators were a critical care necessity and the US military industrial complex had been summoned to build as many vents as possible to address the wave of critically ill Covid patients surely to materialize.
I offered to do his echo because I was young, healthy, and didn’t have any kids. Among the echo team, I was the lowest risk should I catch Covid and die immediately (which is what the media would’ve had you believe was my fate at the beginning of Covid).
In comparison to the other precautionary cases I’d dealt with in my career, for this first Covid case, I was required to put on all the PPE there was: hazmat suit, N95, surgical mask, two pairs of gloves, goggles and a surgical hair cap (bouffant).
April 2020
Two weeks later, and after scanning a few more covid patients, I wasn’t sick and neither were any of my coworkers.
That's when my questions started.
Why am I not sick?
Why are my coworkers not sick yet?
I started seeing some commonalities among the hospitalized Covid patients and, in particular, those admitted to the ICU…
What did my very sick Covid patients have in common? They were all very overweight. Most have multiple comorbidities.
Basically, none of these covid patients in the ICU were actually healthy people taken down by this mystery virus.
On April 4th, 2020, I began the carnivore way of eating (WOE). My fertility doctor at that time said that carnivore is the best way to increase egg quality and reduce inflammation throughout the body. I believe this was God’s way of preparing my body to stay healthy throughout these past 3 years. My patients that were in the ICU on ventilators were morbidly obese, which meant their bodies were riddled with inflammation.
Fatty ribeye for lunch!
There isn’t be a better WOE to reduce inflammation than the carnivore diet.
At the time he told me to start this WOE, the mainstream news was spreading information that covid was killing EVERYONE.
Throughout this entire period the CDC NEVER focused on health. We were told to stay indoors, mask everywhere (including inside our own homes), avoid people and public spaces, walk one-direction down shopping isles at grocery stores, socially distance EVEN INSIDE YOUR HOME FROM YOUR LOVED ONES SHOULD THEY GET SICK.
Schools were closed, small businesses were shuttered, and the elderly were essentially put in solitary confinement from seeing their loved ones.
Some people were deemed essential (such as fast food workers…) while others weren’t. And that’s not to knock fast food workers! It’s just that no one goes to McD’s or Taco Bell to improve their health.
If there was a sickness taking over, why did the authorities do everything in their power to ensure the people couldn’t get healthy?
Why close gyms when all of my sick patients are morbidly obese?
Why wear a mask when we are healthy?
The CDC assured us they were only forcing all of these (nonsensical) edicts on society until a MAGICAL vaccine would be released. The medical establishment and the so called “experts” put all of their eggs in the vaccine basket as the ONLY solution to get us through Covid.
By this time I started hunting around Instagram for other people who questioned the CDC’s recommendations. Frontline doctors, chiropractors, and the all-natural “crunchy” people were all suggesting healthy, natural ways to fight Covid.
Why wasn’t this in the mainstream news?
The Frontline Doctors are a group of doctors that did true research on what could help people when they got sick. They wanted to prevent hospitalizations and severe illnesses. Ivermectin and hydroxychoriquin were suggested by them as early treatment options, along with a supplement regimen.
I immediately starting taking Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, NAC and Quercetin as the Frontline Doctors recommended them.
Unlike what the media said, our hospital was NOT overran with covid patients. Mary Washington Hospital made national news for turning their parking garage into a field hospital as an overflow space for covid patients.
That expensive project was never used.
In fact, we were so slow that I had my hours at the hospital severely cut. I was in charge of scanning one of the most important organs in the body, and yet there wasn’t enough work for me to make ends-meet.
Since having my hours cut in half, I decided to take a job at a trauma one hospital in Washington DC. There are twice as many beds at Medstar Washington Hospital than at Mary Washington hospital so I felt confident that I would get my hours.
After exposing myself to this deadly virus and still not catching it, I continued to offer to scan these covid patients. I was still eating a meat based diet, taking my supplements, getting outdoors and exercising and eating my lunches outdoors for extra natural Vitamin D.
Lunch outdoors getting natural Vitamin D
By late June 2020, I had yet to get as much as a sniffle.
I continued to throw house parties, travel, and live my life. My husband nor I were not worried about getting sick. We refused to wear masks unless we were at work getting paid. I even joked with my friends about catching covid to acquire natural immunity!
Despite being around sick people inside and outside of work, I STILL couldn’t manage to catch the “most highly transmittable virus in history”.
In December 2020 the Covid shots (I refuse to call them a vaccine) rolled out for healthcare workers. For the FIRST time in my life I didn’t immediately roll up my sleeve and offer my arm for a “vaccine”. I was forced to get the flu shot, which I waited until the very last second to get. I was hesitant to get the flu shot that year which I found out later that I should have followed my gut on. That will be the last shot to ever go in my arm.
In January 2021 the national and political division over the Covid shot started. I was still very healthy and had dropped 35 pounds by this time! I was the healthiest person I knew. The shots had been out for a month. My patients started asking questions that I wasn’t prepared to answer.
Patients all day every day: “Have you gotten your vaccine?”
Me: “No."
Patients": “Why not? What are you waiting for? You WILL be getting your covid vaccines right????”
Me: “I’m undecided. Plus I’ve been around Covid patients for ten months and I have yet to get sick.”
Patients: “How DARE you take care of me and be next to me UNVACCINATED. You’re a MURDERER!”
I couldn’t wrap my head around this.
I was healthy.
I took care of the sick and dying.
My patients coming in were sick, and yet, I was the dangerous one?
I kept up my healthy eating habits. People would question the amount of meat I was eating and I would just smile and brush it off.
Within the next couple of months I started seeing new problems with my patients and coworkers.
For example, A coworker I worked with daily suddenly developed a new autoimmune disease and lost every strand of hair on her body.
Patients in their teens were having strokes and developing blood clots in abnormal places within 7-days of their jabs.
I couldn’t put into words or rationalize what I was seeing but I knew there was no way in hell I’d take this experimental shot.
The CDC and all government officials said that if you get this shot you WOULD NOT GET COVID. Once again, what they said did NOT match with what I was seeing. People with two doses of the shot were still coming into the hospital and were testing positive.
People with two shots were STILL catching and dying with/from Covid.
I was still being called a murderer and the dangerous one for not taking these shots.
I was healthy and was not allowed to go to certain restaurants.
I was healthy and was not allowed to go to shows in DC.
I was healthy and I was not allowed to take my mask off (that never stopped me).
I was the “unclean person” taking care of the vaxxed, Covid positive patients on ventilators in the ICU.
My mental health started failing due to the names I was called and the pressure I was feeling to get these experimental shots. As a result, I fell off of strict carnivore in 2021. However, I managed to stick to a ketovore diet instead, focusing on meat first but allowing fruits and veggies.
Then, the Covid shot mandates started rolling out in summer 2021.
I was interviewed to be the lead tech at Medstar Washington Hospital Center. A MAJOR promotion I’d been hoping for since I started at that hospital!
I was already training all of the echo techs AND the new cardiologists. I was helping run the massive echo lab without the title. I loved my job (when I wasn’t being called a murderer) and loved being a part of saving lives on a daily basis. The cardiologists had me take care of their most challenging cases at this trauma one hospital.
This was the Major Leagues of echo and I was known as one of the best in my field.
My coworkers who had tested positive in the past for Covid and had natural immunity tried to get an exemption for the Covid shots. Human Resources said they would have to test daily and they would make their lives hell if they followed through with the exemption.
I hadn’t taken a single Covid test. Why would I take a test if I wasn't sick?
Taking care of my last Covid patient who was fully vaxxed while I was unvaxxed.
September 16th I was offered that huge promotion at the Lead Echocardiographer of Medstar Washington Hospital Center.
Instead of accepting my dream job, I gave my two weeks notice .
September 30th, 2021, I walked out of the hospital I had saved lives at for 15 months.
Walking out of the hospital for the last time in my career.
I left a job I loved.
I chose my health over my dream job.
I chose my health over risking my fertility.
I chose my health over being coerced into injecting chemicals into my body.
I chose my health over being able to travel overseas.
I chose my health over getting into concerts, plays and restaurants.
I chose my health over things I was seeing daily in young patients: blood clots, atrial fibrillation, autoimmune diseases, cancer and organ inflammation.
I chose my health over the mandates.
I chose my HEALTH over the UNKNOWN.
Unlike many other healthcare workers that refused the shots and were forced out of their jobs, I landed on my feet. A company I used to work for hired me back as their lead echo tech. The owner of the practice knew my work and my work ethic.
One of the first questions out of his mouth during the interview was “Did you get the Covid vaccine?” When I said no he said okay, I guess that’s a risk you’ll have to take.
(Looking back on this whole mess…Isn’t that how it should have been all along?????)
I managed 7 echo labs across northern Virginia for almost a year.
After 30 months of wearing a face diaper and my mental health declining, I quit the high stress job of management and went to work for myself as a contractor. I found an outpatient practice further south that allowed their employees to breathe freely and unencumbered.
September 14th, 2022, I threw away my mask for the FINAL time.
It’s now May of 2023…to this day I have not had Covid.
To this day I have never taken a Covid test.
I attribute staying healthy to the carnivore diet, getting outside for exercise and Vitamin D, not being afraid of getting sick and never stopping living my life.
My biggest take away from Covid was how important health is. Health is a constant full time job. Without your health, you have nothing.
Despite what the CDC and FDA may say, health does not come from a vial.
It never did, and it never will.
Defeat the Mandates DC January 23, 2022
Why am I smiling? Because I met SO many healthcare workers who stood up to the mandates!
Both of us were forced out of our hospital jobs after taking care of Covid patients for 18 months. Here we are still healthy!